Course Content
Fundamental theories of kinematics, vector and matrix algebra, numerical methods for use in computational mechanics, computer programs for analyzing the response of simple and complex mechanical systems, cams, gears, gear trains, synthesis of mechanisms. Kinematic analysis, mobility and range of movement – Kutzbach and Grübler’s criterion, number Synthesis, Grashof’s criterion, displacement analysis of plane mechanisms–graphical and analytical methods, velocity and acceleration analysis, kinematic elements, fixed and variable speed kinematic pairs – closed loop linkages, the four-bar linkage, the slider-crank linkage, coordinate transformations, robot arms and manipulators, variable speed kinematic pairs – cams and followers, kinematics of gears, design of gear trains, simple, compound and epicyclic gear trains, sliding gear boxes and synchronous gear boxes dimensional synthesis of mechanism; motion, path and function generation.
Course page
Announcements and more information can be found in UPatras’ E-Class: Eclass