Course Content

Basic concepts of Dynamics. Dynamics of the rigid particle. Dynamics of a system of rigid particles. Dynamics of the rigid body. Dynamics of a system of rigid bodies. Plane motion. Dynamics of mechanisms and machines, equations of motion, the vector of forces, and reactions in the links, The System of equations for plane motion, static forces, static equilibrium, kinetostatic analysis, Computer aided algorithm for plane Dynamic Analysis. Damped Vibration, Logarithmic decrement. Vibration Spectra. The Method of Spectral Analysis. Dynamics of reciprocating engines. Engine types, indicative diagrams. Dynamic Analysis of Reciprocating Engines, gas forces, equivalent masses, inertia forces. Bearing loads in a single-cylinder engine. Balancing, rotors balancing, dynamic and static balancing. Balancing machines, balancing of reciprocating masses, Analytical calculation of unbalance.

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